Contemporary NHBX-W

alaTest heeft 150 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Contemporary NHBX-W. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de betrouwbaarheid. De vormgeving is ook indrukwekkend.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 150 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Not a real Bunn at this level


Temps get so hot it also melt the water diffusing plate over the filter after several months of use. Seals around the top will start to leak after several weeks of months, pending on use. Then in order to have it covered under warranty you need to...

Fast Pot of Coffee, Consistent Brew temp

Leaks after several months. RMA's Costly and Slow, Only to Get a Remanufactured Coffeemaker that leaks worse than the one you returned

Sep 2011

Consumenten review (



Bunn, you really should have fixed this a long time ago, but apparently choose not to!

Makes great coffee - I've had 2 of these

LEAKS like a sieve. This is a well known, long standing issue with this. It just brews too fast. If they used a smaller tube to limit the flow, that might work. Otherwise drill out the hole in the filter holder so it will run through faster, but you'll...

Feb 2011

Consumenten review (

Can't beat it!


Have one of these in our upstairs office at work. Used to make 1-3 pots of coffee a day for almost 2 years now. Just keeps chugging along no problems. Have commercial model Bunn's in the downstairs offices. These are all top quality machines and make...


Jan 2011

Consumenten review (

Bunn "Instant coffee"


To make great coffee use whole bean I like Duncan doughnuts coffee regular or A&P Columbia. and once in a while pour in white vinegar and keep cycling with water until you can't taste the vinegar.

Good quality build. I had mine for more than 4 years and no problems. Not made in China

If you don't make coffee everyday you should expect evaporation. I always cycle with plain water and pour whatever water I need into the pot to compensate for shortage

Nov 2010

Consumenten review (

Great, fast coffee


This is my second one. The first one lasted about 6 years.

Brews at ideal temp. Water is pre-heated so coffee is made quickly

Uses more electricity than conventional brewer because it keeps a reservoir of heated water

Nov 2010

Consumenten review (

Improved quality


We recently bought our 4th Bunn coffee maker in 18 years or so, each one lasting at least 4 years. The last one had the cracking problem others have mentioned, but it appears that problem has been addressed by reshaping that part in a way that I hope...

IMPROVED DESIGN SHOULDN'T CRACK, quick speed, makes great coffee, easy to clean


Jul 2010

Consumenten review (

Cracked Spray/Drip Plate


If yours starts to leak cold water onto your counter top, pull the funnel basket out and look up under where you pour the water in, to see if it is cracked. That may be the problem.

Makes great tasting coffee, and is fast. Quieter than most coffee makers

After almost 3 years(one month shy of the 3 warranty) it started to leak cold water onto the counter top when making a pot of coffee ; We figured out the problem, the spray/drip plastic plate, where the holes are that drip water onto the grounds, it is...

Jun 2010

Consumenten review (

Read all warranty options carefully!


Always read both Newegg's and Manfacturer's warranty policies CAREFULLY! For a $20 item, if it dies in a few weeks, you haven't lost much. But, for a nearly $100 item and it dies within 12 weeks of limited use.....not so good! I've seen some older...

Bunn Coffee Maker worked perfectly....for roughly 2 1/2 months! I got up yesterday morning and the light didn't look right...about half lit. Coffee was up this morning and the light still only lit up halfway, but the coffee was light...

The only 'con' is my own fault for buying the thing to start with....Have owned 3-4 over the last 30 years and I forgot why I did not replace the last Bunn that quit (as the others did) with no warning! So, I have no one to blame but myself

Mar 2010

Consumenten review (

Good unit!


Got this one about 1.5 yrs ago, after a few months, it started leaking when making coffee. It had formed a crack in the case where the diffuser attaches. Sent it back to Bunn and they sent a whole new unit. Very prompt and no fuss, no muss. The...

Fast, good coffee

Higher cost to operate - keeps water hot all the time, but it's worth the price

Jan 2010

Consumenten review (

I have the older model


I have had the older version of this Bunn for about 10 years with no problems and many of my friends and relatives have purchased a Bunn after seeing how quickly and easily I can brew a pot of delicious coffee


Dec 2009

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