Capresso CoffeeTeam Therm

alaTest heeft 9 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Capresso CoffeeTeam Therm. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen de ruis zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de afmetingen.


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Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 68/100.

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Toont 1 - 9 van 9 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Not Made to Be Cleaned - No Parts Available - Zero Real Customer Support.


My biggest problem with this unit is the company itself and their refusal to sell me a burr set.

Convenience, cup quality

Almost impossible to disassemble to clean. Designed to be that way

Jul 2010

Consumenten review (

I feel my money could have been better spent on a good coffee grinder and separate coffee maker.


I have owned other Capresso coffee makers and have always thought that they were among the best available for the price. I think the combo grinder/coffee maker was a great idea and I'm sure some folks find it totally to their liking but I must say...

Sleek, elegant, looks great on kitchen counter top ; Brews a great cup of coffee if you do it manually ; Thermal carafe keeps coffee hot a long time

ease of use ; coffee grinder produces an inconsistent amount of coffee ; cannot make a full pot of strong coffee, needs an "extra strong" setting ; cleaning of grinder limited

Okt 2008

Consumenten review (

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - a grinder/brewer that makes a great cup of coffee and keeps it hot and tasty in a thermal carafe.


Coffee Geek reviews prompted me to take a chance on this machine. I was sorely in need of a good cup of coffee and don't usually buy any product that attempts to combine two devices in one on the theory that they usually won't perform either function...

Combines a very capable burr grinder and coffee-maker with thermal carafe into one device. Brews at the proper temperature to make a great cup of coffee. Easy to read reservoir indicator makes it snap to fill. Coffee stays hot for hours in carafe, with...

Very little not to like. The knob used to for setting the time and programming functions should have more definitive detentes when it reaches its limit of movement. It is sometimes difficult to know whether a twist of the knob has registered without...

Dec 2007

Consumenten review (

All form, no function.


The first few times I used this machine, it failed to brew anything but a pot of warm water. The problem is the finger guard, which is too low to allow the beans to feed into the grinder consistently. What usually happens is the first few beans within...

Great aesthetics, but barely fits under kitchen counters

Filter bin occasionally fails to swing into position after grinding. Beans frequently fail to feed into grinder, resulting in a pot of warm water

Sep 2007

Consumenten review (

Fine machine ruined by poor construction and criminally bad customer service.


Got this coffee maker as a wedding present. We've been happy with it for a while until a few months back when problems with the "elegant, illuminated white-on-black display" started to go on the fritz, with some numerals not activating. Through...

Well integrated burr grinder mechanically separate from brewer keeps steam out of grinding mechanism

Awful customer service, quality of construction issues

Mei 2007

Consumenten review (

Best combo Grinder-Maker I have ever owened. I was looking for grounds to buy a new coffee maker (or visa versa), I defininely made the right choice.


Brews an excellent pot of coffee. This is the best coffee maker I have ever owned. You do need to carefully place the basket and cover in the swing door. If it is not aligned properly it will 'catch' as described in another commentary. You just have to...

This product makes excellent coffee and keep the grinding a brewing stations separated

Took a little time to figure out the programming part. But once learned, its very easy

Apr 2007

Consumenten review (

Disappointing, fustrating, infuriating. Not a machine to last years and years making great coffee.


We were replacing an older (5 years?) fully automated Capresso coffee maker that has started to die. The CoffeeTeam Therm looked like a promising replacement, but after 3 weeks including a replacement unit sent from Capresso, we gave up. On the first...

If it worked, you set up coffee the night before and wake up to a hot pot in the morning

Poor construction, poor design, not cheap, coffee not strong

Jan 2007

Consumenten review (

Overall, the machine produces a good and consistent cup of coffee, and I would recommend it to anyone who believes in getting what they pay for.


I own 3 Coffee Team machines and have been quite happy with them. One of them was having a problem for which I returned it to Williams-Sonoma, as they provide a LIFETIME warranty on all of their coffee makers. The one I brought back was over 3 years...

Very easy to set up and use ; Generally consistent cup of coffee ; No hot plate to ruin coffee after 15 minutes

way too much coffee left in feeder channel ; weak spring for swinging filter basket

Dec 2006

Consumenten review (

Excellent idea, but they need to make the design functional for those of us that like oily beans and stronger coffee.


I was SOO excited to be able to have fresh ground coffee so easily, it came as a big disappointment when it didn't work with the beans I like. Apparently to work in this design, you need to use dry beans. I like the oily beans.

Excellent idea - keeping water and beans apart until actually brewing ; Fresh ground coffee at a pre-programmed time of day, or at any time desired is awesome

I was SOO excited to be able to have fresh ground coffee so easily, it came as a big disappointment when it didn't work with the beans I like. Apparently to work in this design, you need to use dry beans. I like the oily beans ; I tried all sorts of...

Dec 2006

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