Bodum Chambord

Bodum Chambord
alaScore 82

11 reviews

Feb 2025

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alaTest heeft 11 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bodum Chambord. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De afmetingen is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving, prijs, afmetingen


We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Bodum Chambord een alaScore™ van 82/100 = Zeer goed.

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Expert review door (

Fika med fluff!


En äkta cappuccino kräver skummad, varm mjölk för att bli god. Smartson testar tio små mjölkskummare.

Okt 2004

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Nathan W's Review


This press pot has been my introduction to coffee-making (I was never one for automatic drip machines), and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants an easy way to make small amounts of coffee.

I have found this to be a fail-safe way to make coffee -- it doesn't punish some sloppiness with the water/coffee ground ratio, and can be used with a wide variety of grinds

The screen filter started coming apart slightly after about a year of use, making it somewhat difficult to easily clean it with a sponge

Apr 2012

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Caty Rent's Review


This product is great because it's simple and this is the original. French press is all about exposing the true taste of coffee and I feel as though the Bodum Chambord gets the job done effectively. Before this, I used a French Press mug and I like the...

Easy to use, take apart, and clean

The glass can break if not careful. Also, sometimes if the hot water is poured in too fast you can end up with a few grounds in your cup

Jan 2010

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Francis Wa's Review


When not drinking a single shot of espresso this has to be the best and simplest brewing method around! It also doubles as a decent milk-frother. Bodum offers several sizes available and many different models the primary difference seems to be in the...

Easy and effective. Always there when I need a quick cup-o

Messy to clean, especially when you don't want to send the grounds down the sink and clog your pipes

Jul 2009

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Chris Chartier's Review


What can you say about such a simple product. Bodum is 'the' name in makers of French Press pots. I finally got off the automatic drip coffee maker bandwagon and decided to use the French Press every day. The French Press makes a much richer, bolder,...

Simple, makes great coffee

Annoying to clean

Apr 2009

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Mia Barista's Review


This is a gorgeous French Press that has a nice, smooth press, thanks to the glass.

Attractive equipment; delicious coffee; easy to clean

Four-minute brew; keep away from your dishwasher

Nov 2008

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Steve Scaggs's Review


the french press delivers a fabulous cup. i also use manual pourover cone, but have not used it since getting the chambord. gold filter in the porcelain cone is close, but not quite the same. i use a hand grinder and grind my beans coarsely. I heat my...

quality product, performs just as expected ; can make 16oz or a full pot (32oz)

had a crimp in original screen mesh that let grounds by on first use. i was able to fix crimp and have had not problems at all. bodum sent me a new screen free of charge when i called to inquire about it-great customer service

Jul 2008

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Matt Flickinger's Review


This press pot delivers a fantastic coffee drink possibly perfect and not bitter if done right with good beans, that is how coffee should be, but can be improved, though not much in cup quality. If possible try to buy the swiss gold filter for easy...

Gives you a rich and delicious cup with easy work ; Allows you to control the variable in temperature and brew time, as well as grind size ; Nice looking, as well a stylish ; Can make other infusions, like loose leaf tea, froth milk, or almost anything...

Metal filter isn't great ; Glass can break ; Cheaper versions of slightly less appealing look, though same quality, from same company ; A little annoying to clean

Aug 2007

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Donald Blum's Review


Because of the ease in which presspot coffee is made, this is the type of coffee I drink most often. A vac pot is better, but it may not make smaller amounts as well as it does full capacity and doesn't clean up as quickly and easily as a presspot if...

This is the easiest way to make quality coffee as long as you have a quality grinder. It's also the least expensive because of the low initial cost (can be <$20; see below), and there are no filters to throw away. A presspot makes fewer cups almost...

Don't drink it to the last drop. The last third of a cup starts to taste cloudy. The end of the cup is bitter sludge

Mar 2002

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bodum Chambord Press Pots - Al Raden's Review


I bought the 3 cup (really one mug) model to use in my office. I primarily drink espresso at home, and refused to drink the stuff they serve here at work. With the Bodum, I'm able to brew a great cup of coffee at my desk. A microwave can be used to...

Inexpensive, easy to use, great coffee

Can't think of any


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