alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Black & Decker TCM450B Black THERMAL COFFEEMAKER. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 2.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. De gebruiksvriendelijkheid is ook indrukwekkend.

prijs, vormgeving, gebruiksvriendelijkheid


Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 57/100.

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Toont 1 - 6 van 6 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Great Coffee Maker


Love this coffee maker. It keeps the coffee hot for hours. It pour great. Can not go wrong with this price

Is very tall, fits under my cabnet, but have to pull out to put coffee and water in

Dec 2010

Consumenten review (

Nice Carafe


Not the best Black and Decker item... maybe they should stick power tools. As for the black button atop the the filter cup... On the very first day it fell out.... But I was gently able to pry the top off and replace the button. Other times it just...

Its fairly cheap and the carafe is nice even if it takes a bit of closing. Its pretty enough

If you put more then 8 cups of water in it , it flows out a hole in the back and on to the counter. Coffee a bit on the cool side... right from the getgo. The button that opens the filter cup often falls out (more about this later). The carafe can be...

Nov 2010

Consumenten review (



Looks good

Makes coffee that is not hot, just very warm ; No "keep warm" function

Okt 2010

Consumenten review (



Into the pantry it goes..

It turned on

LED way too bright.. Coffee tastes bad.. ( very weak )

Okt 2010

Consumenten review (

Buy it before it's gone


Over 30 years or more I have purchased several nearly identical models for myself and gifts. Usually the human interface breaks down after five+ years. I end up with extra carafes. I get a new one and put it under the Christmas tree. This unit if it...

No hotplate to start a fire ; Nice carafe design. Insulated glass lined carafe keep coffee hot longer than the steel thermal carafes that are usually found ; No hotplate to boil off (destroy) the flavor

Clock is just something to go wrong. I don't know anyone who uses the timer to start their coffee pot. Why would anyone want to leave coffee grounds in the open air overnight

Okt 2010

Consumenten review (

1st one JUNK


B&D needs to stick with tools. I'll repost after the replacment comes, I don't see this coffee maker getting over 3 eggs.

It made 1 pot of coffee before quiting

Electronics and coffee makers DO NOT mix

Okt 2010

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