Bialetti Brikka

alaTest heeft 13 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Bialetti Brikka. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen de afwerking zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de betrouwbaarheid. De prijs is ook indrukwekkend.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 13 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Guido Klerk's Review


the pot's suppose to keep the water from coming by building up the pressure with a valve. this gives a fake crema, that doesnt add to the taste and dissapears mostly in the cup. plus, these valves leak. while building up pressure, about one or two...

mmm... gives a fake crema that looks good on top of you coffee

it's a stovepot. i haven't managed to make a more than half decent cup with one of these. maybe i am a snob, maybe my vendors sell me the wrong grind (but these are quality beans from professionals in specialist stores) maybe there's something in the...

Okt 2008

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Yaron Abramov's Review


About a year ago I've started looking for a way to have good coffee at home. What I was looking for was basically an espresso machine that would provide results close to the ones I get in the coffee shops around here (which are generally very good). As...

Best coffee for a machine at this price range ; Not so picky about grind size, freshness of beans and grind quality (better of-course with fresh, quality grounded coffee, but still more than acceptable with pre-ground coffee) ; Can use anywhere you...

I don't know if its negative, but should point out - its not espresso. Its very close to it in terms of body and mouth-feel, but its not espresso ; You must take good care of it, in order to prevent corrosion. Meaning you have to rinse and dry it...

Jun 2007

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Jan-Renier Moonen's Review


Southern Europe appeals to me for a number of reasons, one of which is the good general availability of great espresso. It's one of those little things that I can look forward to when travelling southwards. Last November I spent a few days in Rome...

Provides you with a three minute ritual every morning (and throughout the rest of the day) for a great cup of coffee ; Straightforward, durable aluminium and stainless steel engineering with an outstanding cost vs. value ratio

Not built for the simultaneous enjoyment of coffee by groups larger than three to four due to the brewing time itself and the cooling time needed in between brews ; Not well suited for occasional use. Frequent use creates an protective oxidized layer...

Jan 2006

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Alexandre Enkerli's Review


Started drinking moka pot coffee at age 16 and have been partial to standard 6 cup moka pots ever since (currently 33). Tried several pots. The standard Bialetti-shaped aluminum ones have been very good and are often quite cheap. Have been saying that...

Great value. Between a moka pot and an espresso machine. Best of both worlds

Small capacity

Aug 2005

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Claus Stovgaard's Review


Works like it says on the box. Measure the water, measure coffee, close it up, stove on full whack, TCCHHHHHHHSSSSSS, and you're done. The 4-cup makes a perfect dosage for me (yeah, I'm a junkie. Gotta have coffee in the morning), and tastes great in a...

The COFFEE ; I've tasted espresso in expensive restaurants and cafe's that was a lot worse than what this pot produces. It just consistently makes great espresso (I know. It's not real espresso, but it's d*mn close) ; I own a Bodum press pot, and,...

Looks pretty shabby, sensitive to getting grinds stuck in the seals ; When you have the 4-cup, you can't make less than 4 cups. Still, the amount it makes is roughly equal to a big double ; It's also pretty expensive here, but then again, it beats...

Jul 2005

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Paulie Walnuts's Review


Stove top espresso is reliably good stuff - and once you make a couple dozen pots with the Bialetti Brikka to get the grind dialed in you'll get the same good quality espresso along with the added bonus of decent crema.

Easy to use - simply rinse well with water and ready to make another pot ; Brikka with the crema maker is excellent idea for the folks who cant afford big hardware ; Easy to take on the road - makes great camping coffee solution ; Overall excellent...

Spent a considerable amount of time and money on various grind types and blends to get good crema

Aug 2004

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Jeremy Close's Review


I like coffee more than I like espresso but I like crema. I decided I couldn't afford a decent espresso machine and grinder and my Russell Hobbs burr grinder won't grind finely enough for espresso nor coarsely enough for my plunger.

The Brikka does not drip or spill . It also does not leak steam while pouring. The coffee produced is consistently tasty and makes it easy to tell which beans were used. The aluminium alloy used has not yet been stained by coffee or my electric hotplate

The capacity is just wrong. It's about 5ml more than a double espresso cup and less than half a coffee mug. Not as attractive as other moka pots

Jun 2003

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Thomas Gauperaa's Review


I bought a Brikka for my brother and have been playing around with it for a week or so. A neighbor of mine has one too so I already knew that it could make a nice cup of moka.

Fast brew time, crema

Have to brew a number of times before the coffee tastes good. This is probably due to the need for a protective layer of coffee oils to be developed

Aug 2002

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Hap Shaughnessy's Review


I picked one of these up in Italy because of my Italian friends suggestions. I fell in love with the coffee in Italy and they told me this pot would make it fairly close to that made in coffeehouses in Italy. I have been using it for 2 years with...

Excellent coffee pot for making italian coffee that is very close to espresso from coffeehouses. Makes very good coffee as long as you use good coffee at a fairly fine grind

A bit loud for early mornings, may wake the household. May be difficult for some to figure out. But if directions are followed it works quite well. You have to make sure you use medium heat, keep coffee off the gasket, and check the valve for sticking...

Feb 2002

Consumenten review (

CoffeeGeek - Bialetti Brikka Stovetop Espresso - Erik Tronstad's Review


I guess writing a product review after having owned a product for only 1

A moka pot that makes espresso-like coffee with crema! Not that expensive if you get in Italy (approx $ 20). My best buy in Italy? Yes

Non so far. It?s a little more complicated than the classic moka express, and might not last as long (?). A bit expensive outside Italy (approx $ 50 in USA and Norway)

Nov 2001

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