alaScore 89

63 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 63 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor YAMAHA YAS306. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Home Cinema Systemen.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Home Cinema Systemen krijgt de YAMAHA YAS306 een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 10 van 63 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Yamaha 306 soundbar


One month on and all is well. I initially connected this up using optical from my Panasonic tv. Programmes were courtesy of sky Q 1Tb box. Middle frequency ranges deemed a little unclear, I was not happy. I connected at DVD and the sound was much...

Jun 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Tv and sound bar


A big thank you to Maidstone. Had a budget for tv and sound bar. Come away with Panasonic 58” tv great tv all round no bad bits. Sound bar on Sean's recommendation Yamaha 306 wasn't sure on sound in store so he let me take home to try. Wow what a sound...

Mei 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Big sound & great value


Great sound bar for my Panasonic TV as I didn't want a separate sub woofer & more cabling lying about. I also bought the TV bracket which Richersounds also sells. Only downside is that it doesn't have Wi-fi or HDMI....apart from that it's all good.

Mei 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

So far, so great!


Bought mainly to clarify speech in films, which it does using the CV button. Also enhances music experiences with sound around and generally viewing. Very pleased.

Mei 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Good soundbar...


Had it for a week or so and it is a nice bit of kit. It doesn't compare to any home cinema set but it is way better then a tv sound. Looks nice and really simple to set up. For that price would recommend to others. Thanks Richer Sounds

Mei 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

lovely sound


We bought this soundbar as we had been looking at a different one and the chap in the shop recommended this one because of its other features

Apr 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Lovely compact unit.


Had this Yamaha soundbar a week now and it's made such a difference music sounds great Spotify etc, programms and films come to life too so much clarity compared to the TV sound a great sounding well made solid unit that you can either wall mount or...

Apr 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Good service


I ordered - Yamaha Soundbar on Friday the 6 it came on Wednesday the 11 of April I am Happy with the service I Got with them I will be using them Again soon later this year

Apr 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Great sound


We bought this so the tv can be turned down, this makes a great difference, it sharpens the sound if you are hard of hearing.

Apr 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Great features and good overall sound


After some research i decided to check out the Yamaha soubd bar. Having never shopped or stepped foot in a RS store before I was thrilled with the service from Roger in Leeds. He set the sound bar up for me in the store and gave me a demo. The sound...

Apr 2018

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