Sony HT-S2000

Sony HT-S2000
alaScore 98

11 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 11 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sony HT-S2000. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Home Cinema Systemen. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Home Cinema Systemen krijgt de Sony HT-S2000 een alaScore™ van 98/100 = Uitstekend.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 11 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : What Hi-Fi? (

Sony HT-S2000 review


Sony's budget Dolby Atmos soundbar is exceptional value for money

Simple plug-and-play functionality ; Crisp and clear dialogue ; Solid dynamics

Not tons of bass weight ; Sound Field mode is a miss ; Not as full-bodied as rivals

The Sony HT-S2000 offers useful sonic enhancements in a compact and affordable package, and while it’s not the perfect soundbar, it's hard to find flaws at this price

Mar 2024

Expert review door : Will Greenwald (

Sony HT-S2000 Review


Large sound field with strong horizontal directional imaging ; Sculpted signature makes film content exciting and keeps dialogue clear

Weak low-end with no subwoofer ; No height channels for vertical directional imaging ; Lacks Wi-Fi audio streaming

Sony's HT-S2000 soundbar could really use a subwoofer, but it otherwise generates big sound with surprisingly good Dolby Atmos imaging for its 3.1-channel design.

Sep 2023

Expert review door : Chris Eberle (

Sony HT-S2000 Sound Bar Review -


Sony's HT-S2000 3.1 Channel Sound Bar is an inexpensive solution to the small speakers built into your television.

Wide sound stage ; Clear at high volumes ; Excellent dialog clarity and quality ; Easy setup

Apple AirPlay and aptX support

Sony’s HT-S2000 3.1 Channel Sound Bar is an inexpensive way to enhance a flat panel TV. It delivers sound greater than its physical size.

Okt 2023

Expert review door : Nikita Achanta (

Sony HT-S2000 review: I heard sounds I never have before with this $499 soundbar


Loud in every aspect but its design

Minimalist, low-profile design ; Immersive soundscapes with strong bass ; Crisp and clear dialogues ; Built-in subwoofer ; Easy plug-and-play setup

No voice assistant support ; No AirPlay/Wi-Fi Streaming

The Sony HT-S2000 features five speakers and a built-in subwoofer that, together, create immersive soundscapes. Explosions are loud while dialogues are crystal clear, and the soundbar is fantastic for both movies and music. This 3.1 channel soundbar...

Feb 2025

Expert review door : Anuj Bhatia (

Sony HT-S2000 soundbar review: Boombastic sound


The Sony HT-S2000 soundbar is ideal to use with a TV in a living room, smaller room or perhaps the bedroom.

Jul 2023

Expert review door : Alfred Siew (

Sony HT-S2000 review: compact soundbar offers Dolby Atmos but falls short - Techgoondu Sony HT-S2000 review: compact soundbar offers Dolby Atmos but f


The S$899 Sony HT-S2000 is a compact soundbar that improves the sound quality on movies instantly but it also falls short in some aspects. The S$899 Sony HT-S2000 is a compact soundbar that improves the sound quality on movies instantly but it also...

Mei 2023

Expert review door : Roberto Faggiano (

Sony HT-S2000, in prova la soundbar compatta che bada alla sostanza


Se cercate una soundbar semplice e di dimensioni compatte ma comunque in grado di fornire prestazioni di buon livello, questa Sony potrebbe fare al caso vostro. Vediamo come si è comportata nel nostro test

Okt 2023

Expert review door : Audun Hage (

Sony-lydplanke med saftig bass


Denne kompakte Sony-lydplanken låter utmerket på egen hånd, men enda bedre når du parer den med flere Sony-høyttalere.

Aug 2023

Expert review door : AV Redaktion Andreas Oswald (

Sony HT-S2000 (Test)


Sonys neue Soundbar HT-S2000 bietet Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, effektive Upmixer und kann auf Wunsch mit externen Boxen und einem Subwoofer erweitert werden. Und das ist noch längst nicht alles.

Sonys kompakte All-in-One-Soundbar HT-S2000 kann klanglich überzeugen, ist mit 400 Euro recht günstig und bietet für mehr Raumklang sinnvolle Ausbauoptionen. In Sachen Streaming ist hingegen noch Luft nach oben.

Mei 2024

Expert review door : Audun Hage Audun Hage (

TEST: Sony HT-S2000 – Sonys nya soundbar är liten på jorden, men stor i orden


Sonys kompakta soundbar låter utmärkt på egen hand, men ännu bättre när den paras ihop med fler Sony-högtalare.

Sony HT-S2000 är en relativt kompakt soundbar som ändå levererar ett kraftfullt och övertygande ljud. Sony har prioriterat en fyllig klangbalans framför så många kanaler som möjligt, och det har sina för- och nackdelar. Den övergripande ljudbilden är...

Aug 2023

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