Kenwood HTB 505

Kenwood HTB 505
alaScore 74

16 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 16 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Kenwood HTB 505. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Home Cinema Systemen.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Home Cinema Systemen krijgt de Kenwood HTB 505 een alaScore™ van 74/100 = Goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 16 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 10 van 16 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

A Purchase I Feel Good About


Great sound and volume dynamics and not that hard to set up.

Be ready to buy a lot of extra cables and wires

Feb 2004

Consumenten review (

A Purchase I Feel Good About


I didn't know much about surround sound systems when I started researching this purchase, but after a fair bit of web surfing (including reading other reviews on, I feel like I made the right choice. If you already have the other ...

Great sound and volume dynamics and not that hard to set up

Be ready to buy a lot of extra cables and wires

Feb 2004

Consumenten review (

Great unit for the money, but it's not without flaws.


I did end up returning this unit, but I think it's still an excellent value. It was on sale for $399 on Best Buy at the time and I'd read several good review about it, so I went ahead and bought, brought it home and set it up.

Good value, deep bass, decent tuner

Only 1 optical input, no component inputs, speakers buzzed

Mei 2003

Consumenten review (

Great unit for the money, but it's not without flaws.


Good value, deep bass, decent tuner.

Only 1 optical input, no component inputs, speakers buzzed.

Mei 2003

Consumenten review (

Great system, unparalleled value


I'll leave all the details about system components and set-up to the other reviewers who have covered them well and will focus on the quality of this system.

Outstanding sound quality and functionality

Remote is too big and can't be set-up for my samsung dvd player

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

Good system if you learn all of the features


Good sound quality(good range, too), plenty of features for average user

Complicated remote, poor quality factory wires

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

Good system if you learn all of the features


I have had this system for about three months now and I have tried just about everything I can with it. Overall, it is a very nice system, especially for someone who wants very high quality sound in all aspects(DVD, TV, CD, Radio, etc...).

Good sound quality(good range, too), plenty of features for average user

Complicated remote, poor quality factory wires

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

HTB-505 delivers decent sound for the money if you know how to configure it.


Low cost, decent sized front speakers, decent sound.

Not enough control over bass/treble, manual is poorly written.

Feb 2003

Consumenten review (

HTB-505 delivers decent sound for the money if you know how to configure it.


This is my first Home Theater system. I was looking for something reasonably priced and wanted some decent front speakers for playing music. This system satisfied both of these requirements.

Low cost, decent sized front speakers, decent sound

Not enough control over bass/treble, manual is poorly written

Feb 2003

Consumenten review (

man o man...what a beautiful system


this is the first home theater system i have ever had and i love started out in my living room...but it didnt really feel like it was mine being out there...and my mom doesnt like the music being real i moved it into my room...i...

excellent sound, huge bass from the sub,lots of hookups

so far i havent found any

Feb 2003

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