Kenwood HTB 504

Kenwood HTB 504
alaScore 75

30 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 30 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Kenwood HTB 504. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Home Cinema Systemen.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Home Cinema Systemen krijgt de Kenwood HTB 504 een alaScore™ van 75/100 = Goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 30 reviews)

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Kenwood HTB 504


alaTest has collected and analyzed 8 user reviews of Kenwood HTB 504 from The average user rating for this product is 5.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Home Theater Systems on

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

Kenwood HTB-504 Theater System


worth the $$$, go get it. great amp and great sub woofer.

You will want to upgrade the surrounds. They look and feel cheap.

Apr 2005

Consumenten review (

ThE rEaL sCoOp.....


I bought mine in 2000 for $380 after much research. the amp is what you really pay for and is worth the $$. The speakers(except the sub-woofer) however are just thrown together so do not expect real quality sound. The sound is GOOD, maybe even great, ...

worth the $$$, go get it. great amp and great sub woofer

You will want to upgrade the surrounds. They look and feel cheap

Apr 2005

Consumenten review (

A great affordable system


good sound. and ... Price Price Price!

Remote, sort of weak speakers

Dec 2003

Consumenten review (

Kenwoods Home Theater in a Box Review


Full range of sound, Excellent bass, solid black speakers

First receiver failed within 30 days

Apr 2003

Consumenten review (

Great Sound,Great Price, No Fuss!


Excellent surround sound, feature-packed receiver, outstanding value at less than $500

Speakers not high-style, comes in a BIG box, supplied wires could be better quality

Jan 2002

Consumenten review (

Great Sound,Great Price, No Fuss!


Looking to take the plunge into the world of Home Theater, but don't want to sell your children to do it? The Kenwood HTB-504 is the answer to big theater sound on a budget! This all-in-one home theater system will make the most out of your TV, DVD...

Excellent surround sound, feature-packed receiver, outstanding value at less than $500

Speakers not high-style, comes in a BIG box, supplied wires could be better quality

Jan 2002

Consumenten review (

Kenwood HTB-504 Home Theater Surround-Sound System -- Paradise in a Box for $450


Great receiver, potent sub, surround sound, DPL II

Lightweight front speakers, no mounting points

Jan 2002

Consumenten review (

nice entry home theatre, can have an extra main speakers


price (400$) ; decent sound for movies ; multi-device remote ; easy installation ; nice subwoofer ; feature rich receiver

thin wires ; one speaker had rattling sound ; no component video-in in a receiver

Dec 2001

Consumenten review (

nice entry home theatre, can have an extra main speakers


I've been thinking of a home theatre system for long time. The guy in CircuitCity recommended me this model.

price (400$) ; decent sound for movies ; multi-device remote ; easy installation ; nice subwoofer ; feature rich receiver

thin wires ; one speaker had rattling sound ; no component video-in in a receiver

Dec 2001

Consumenten review (

Kenwood HTB 504


Great value and sound quality with all the features I need.

Setup can be confusing.

Dec 2001

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