Kenwood HTB-205

Kenwood HTB-205
alaScore 72

23 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 23 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Kenwood HTB-205. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Home Cinema Systemen.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Home Cinema Systemen krijgt de Kenwood HTB-205 een alaScore™ van 72/100 = Goed.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Kenwood HTB-205


alaTest has collected and analyzed 10 user reviews of Kenwood HTB-205 from The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Home Theater Systems on

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Steve Guttenberg (

Kenwood HTB-205 - home theater system review: Kenwood HTB-205 - home theater system


Kenwood HTB-205 - home theater system

Affordable; 100-watt-per-channel receiver; potent subwoofer; AM/FM tuner.

Hollow sound; flyweight satellites; no S-Video switching.

Kenwood's powerful receiver and hunky sub are excellent, but the satellites just don't cut it.

Feb 2003

Consumenten review (

Great Price; Great Sound


INTRO: I bought a Sony 24in. screen TV [see review here] and decided that a surround system would be really nice with DVD movies and my XBOX ...

excellent value for the price. Great sound with my particular setup

subwoofer vibration doesn't surround very well, poorly designed remote control

Dec 2009

Consumenten review (

Not what I expected


nice price

no powered subwoofersouround speakers are too small

Apr 2005

Consumenten review (

One of the best for this price


Very nice sound ; two s-video inputs ; optical, coaxial audio inputs

Sub, though good, is not powered (it's passive) ; no component inputs/splitters

Nov 2003

Consumenten review (

This is worth looking at


OK, here's the deal on this unit. I purchased mine at Best Buy for $249 which included a $25 BBC gift card. So I basically paid $225 plus tax. The next system up as far as I can tell is about $400. So if you're looking for something decent on the low...

exceptional value for 250

subwoofer pops if too loud in digital mode

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

Kenwood HTB-205 Theater System


exceptional value for 250

subwoofer pops if too loud in digital mode

Mar 2003

Consumenten review (

If you want Top-Dollar Sound on a Bottom-Dollar Budget...


Amazing Features for the Price/Great Sound

No S-Video Inputs

Jan 2003

Consumenten review (

Kenwood HTB-205 - Nice System


This is my very first Home Theater System and I must say I am very happy with it. I read reviews here and other places. I looked at different systems in this price range and decided to go with the Kenwood. I'm glad I did. As I said this is my first...

Alot of bang for the buck

Somewhat difficult to operate for a novice

Jan 2003

Consumenten review (

Best Value


Power, flexibility, and value.

Speaker quality, ease-of-use, short wiring.

Jan 2003

Consumenten review (

Best Value


The Kenwood HTB-205 home theater system is most definitely one of the best values available. As with any sound system that costs less than $1,000, it has its problems… but you get quite a bit for the price. I have it connected to everything I own, ...

Power, flexibility, and value

Speaker quality, ease-of-use, short wiring

Jan 2003

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