Navigon 8100T

Navigon 8100T
alaScore 83

127 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 127 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Navigon 8100T. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 3.9/5 voor andere GPS. Gebruikers waarderen het scherm zeer maar hebben twijfels over de routing. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prestaties, scherm, prijs, afmetingen


We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere GPS krijgt de Navigon 8100T een alaScore™ van 83/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Navigon 8100T


alaTest has collected and analyzed 119 user reviews of Navigon 8100T from The average user rating for this product is 3.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other GPS on Reviewers really like the size and price. The screen and performance also get good feedback. There are some critical views about the route planning.

usability, performance, screen, price, size

route planning

67% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Bonnie Cha (

Navigon 8100T review


Navigon 8100T

The Navigon 8100T offers a large 4.8-inch touch screen and a panoramic 3D map view. The GPS also has text-to-speech functionality, address entry via voice, integrated Bluetooth, and a free lifetime traffic subscription.

Panorama 3D view doesn't display street names. The 8100T's general performance is slow and the voice entry system isn't very accurate. The touch screen wasn't the most responsive.

The Navigon 8100T offers an impressive feature list, including panoramic 3D map views, but the GPS doesn't deliver where it counts most: performance.

Dec 2008

Expert review door : Rachel Cericola (

Review: Navigon 8100T


Navigon's new top-of-the-line dash-mounted GPS is a capable travel companion, if a bit sluggish.

Bright, touch-sensitive screen provides a nice pretty 3-D picture. Side volume controls allow you to hear clearly, without veering off the road

Lag time slow enough to incite road rage. Slow start up. Some destinations out of date

Dec 2008

Expert review door : Craig Ellison (

Navigon 8100T GPS Navigator


In the portable GPS market, most mid-range and premium navigation products have a fairly predictable set of featuresit's rare to see a unit that's truly unique. Amenities like a 4.3-inch screen, live traffic updates, built-in maps, a robust POI (points...

Large, 4.8-inch screen. Outstanding graphics in Panorama View 3D. Lifetime traffic subscription included. Text-to-Speech. Multi-segment routing. Fast route calculation times

Expensive. Relatively limited POI search capabilities

The robust Navigon 8100T features a large screen which shows an impressive 3D panorama viewbut the eye candy doesn't come cheap.

Nov 2008

Expert review door : Bonnie Cha (

Navigon 8100T review: Navigon 8100T


Navigon 8100T

The Navigon 8100T offers a large 4.8-inch touch screen and a panoramic 3D map view. The GPS also has text-to-speech functionality, address entry via voice, integrated Bluetooth, and a free lifetime traffic subscription.

Panorama 3D view doesn't display street names. The 8100T's general performance is slow and the voice entry system isn't very accurate. The touch screen wasn't the most responsive.

The Navigon 8100T offers an impressive feature list, including panoramic 3D map views, but the GPS doesn't deliver where it counts most: performance.

Dec 2008

Expert review door (

Navigon 8100T Bluetooth Portable GPS Navigator with Free Traffic Review


Navigon 8100T brings together a very large 4.8 inch (12.2 cm) widescreen display and Navigon's new Panorama View 3D. The screen size is significantly larger than the common 4.3 inches and has only really been seen before in in-dash mounted units such...

Dec 2008

Expert review door : Joel Evans (

First Look: NAVIGON 8100T with Panorama View 3D and brushed metal housing


We previously covered the announcement of the NAVIGON 8100T, and earlier this week we had a chance for some hands-on time. First off, the NAVIGON 8100T is HUGE-in a good way. It sports an extra-wide 4.8″ display, and it's something you have to see to...

Nov 2008

Expert review door (

Navigon 8100T GPS Navigator


Although more pricey than much of the competition, this Navigon may be worth the spurge for a technophile. It offers voice destination entry (you can verbally tell it where you want to go), free real-time traffic updates, turn-by-turn prompts, and a...

Consumenten review (



The NAVIGON 8100T is a new, cheaper GPS system which offers 3D maps, which in my opinion are exponentially better than the standard 2D map systems. The 8100T offers an incredibly well detailed and abnormally large LCD screen, thus allowing you to...

Mei 2009

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