Garmin HRM-Run

Garmin HRM-Run
alaAverage 4

15 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 15 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Garmin HRM-Run. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen de betrouwbaarheid zeer.

vormgeving, betrouwbaarheid

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 81/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 80/100.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 15 reviews)

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Garmin HRM-Run


alaTest has collected and analyzed 13 user reviews of Garmin HRM-Run from The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on People are impressed by the reliability. The design also gets good comments. There are some mixed reviews about the usability, while some have doubts about the price.

design, reliability


85% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

Risultato recensioni per Garmin HRM-Run


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 1 recensioni utente su Garmin HRM-Run da La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 5.0/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.3/5 per altri prodotti su

100% di recensioni su attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Jill Duffy (

Garmin HRM-Run


The HRM-Run is the heart rate strap to buy if you have one of the Garmin fitness trackers that work with it. It's a data junkie's dream come true, giving you advanced stats, such as oscillation and ground contact time.

Collects six advanced running stats when used with a compatible device. Accurate. Comfortable.

Uses ANT+ only, no Bluetooth. Not machine washable.

If you only need to measure heart rate and you don't already own or want to buy a high-end Garmin tracker, there's no point in getting the HRM-Run. If you have any other Garmin device, such as the Vivoactive, I'd recommend Garmin's more affordable Soft...

Jan 2017

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