Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer

Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer
alaAverage 4.9

21 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 21 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Braun ThermoScan Ear Thermometer. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 97/100.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 21 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Quick & accurate


Great product which is quick to use (essential with little ones) and accurate giving peace of mind. Would highly recommend.

Mei 2012

Consumenten review (

Excellent product


So easy to use fast and accurate so easy you can do it while child is sleeping. I had a lindom one before but never got same reading twice the Braun is so much better.

Apr 2012

Consumenten review (

Excellent purchase


I bought this item after having my daughter, the nurses were using a similar thermometer. It's easy to use and there is no more waiting for the results, it works in seconds. I feel a lot more comfortable knowing I have what the hospitals are using, and...

Apr 2012

Consumenten review (

Quick and Easy


Having seen a GP use a similar thermometer by Braun I bought this and needed to use it in an emergency within days. It is quick, 2 seconds or so, easy to use and accurate. Throw away anything that goes under the tongue as, when things get desperate,...

Mar 2012

Consumenten review (

Great for Parents!


These are amazing I have bought three of them to date, 2 for us and 1 for my Mum and Dad (just incase). They are brilliant you get an accurate reading almost instantly and it doesn't even bother my kids because we have been using these since they were...

Mar 2012

Consumenten review (

A must have


I recently purchased this product as my daughter was suffering from a fever and I need to mointer her temperature. Really easy to use,quick results. Only fault is that it would have been excellent if t

Mar 2012

Consumenten review (

Really fantastic buy


I have bought about 5 cheaper thermometers - including those stupid plasters you are meant to put on their heads. I bought this in a panic with a sick baby and can't believe I wasted my time with anything else. My 3 year old and 2 year old love it so...

Mar 2012

Consumenten review (



A necessity for all households. The thermometer provides the information you need in a clear and simple way

Jan 2012

Consumenten review (

good quality purchase


This was a good purchase as I am a first time mom and this gave myself and my husband a peace of mind when our baby was unwell recently. we would recommend this as a purchase to suit all the family whatever their ages. there was nothing that we...

Jan 2012

Consumenten review (

Fantastic easy to use thermometer


Because my husband is on chemotherapy it is very important that we keep a check on his temperature. I have found this thermometer very easy to use and it gives a reading within seconds. I would recommend this not only for young children but adults as...

Nov 2011

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