Interead COOL-ER eBook reader

alaTest heeft 39 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Interead COOL-ER eBook reader. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.1/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen het scherm zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de afwerking. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, draagbaarheid, vormgeving, scherm


Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 54/100 en experts beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 65/100.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Interead COOL-ER eBook reader


alaTest has collected and analyzed 10 user reviews of Interead COOL-ER eBook reader from The average user rating for this product is 2.4/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other products in the same category on People really like the design. The durability also gets good opinions. Opinions are divided on the price. Many are critical about the size and usability.

durability, design

usability, size

30% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Yardena Arar (

Interead Cool-ER E-Reader Review


Support for commercial titles (ePub) ; Lots of font options ; Cool, lightweight design

No dictionary ; Navigation/page-turn button is annoyingly stiff ; Requires special 2.5mm headphone jack

The Interead Cool-ER's usabiity isn't quite up to its good looks, but it delivers solid e-book features at a mid-range cost.

Okt 2009

Expert review door : Priya Ganapati (

Review: Coolreaders Cool-er


Amazon and Sony opted to go the Neiman Marcus route with their e-book readers, dog-piling extra features, fat content catalogs and hefty price tags on...

Candy colors. Initial cost of admission cheaper than competitors. Support for open formats. Battery life is good for a fortnight

Flimsy buttons. Plasticky-construction. Overpriced e-book store. Tacky user interfaced. No auto-sleep mode. No Wi-Fi. No access to newspapers, blogs or magazines

Jul 2009

Expert review door : David Carnoy (

Cool-er e-book reader review: Cool-er e-book reader


Cool-er e-book reader

Lightweight; comes in eight color choices; 1GB of internal memory with an SD card expansion slot that allows you to add up to 4GB of additional memory; battery is removable and replaceable; decent battery life; accepts JPEG, PDF, EPUB, TXT, and MP3...

Feels a bit too much like a "budget" e-reader; drag-and-drop e-book loading less convenient than Kindle's instant downloads; buttons are stiff and aren't intuitively labeled; interface lacks polish; navigation is a bit cumbersome; slow screen refresh...

The Cool-er e-book reader has some nice pluses and costs less than the Kindle, but it's not as big a bargain as we hoped it would be.

Jun 2009

Expert review door : Mark Hattersley (

Interead COOL-ER Reader review


"It's about more than just a tech reader," said Phil Wood, Interead's Marketing Director, of the COOL-ER Reader.

The COOL-ER Reader is a good, if not perfect, electronic reader. It can store a large quaintly of books and read a wide variety of formats. And Interead has wisely hooked up with Adobe Digital Editions to bring an official bookstore capacity to the...

Aug 2009

Expert review door (

Cool-er eBook review


A British start-up has crafted this colourful rival to the Sony Reader. Is it a superior digital tome?

Looks good and refreshes pages quickly, but the Cool-er is just too fiddly and awkward to use

Aug 2009

Expert review door : Mark Mackay (

Kindle vs Sony vs Cool-er eBook Readers


Digital distribution has radically changed the music and movie industries - the majority of music is now purchased as digital files, while the failure of Blu-Ray to match DVD's ubiquity can in part be blamed on the fact that both legal and illegal...

Both the Pocket and Cool-er need to connect via a PC to access their stores and get new content. The Kindle has WiFi and 3G; along with its QWERTY keyboard, this means that you never have to connect the device to a PC - you can download eBooks, blogs...

Jan 2010

Expert review door : Yardena Arar (

Review: Interead Cool-ER e-book reader


From its aspirational brand name to its hip tinted metallic case, Interead's Cool-ER e-book reader clearly strives to distinguish itself from the black-and-gray competition

In fact, the only items visible below the 6-inch screen are the Cool-ER logo and a round, iPod-esque four-way navigation/selection wheel for navigating menus and turning pages. Unfortunately, the button's stiffness makes navigation and page turns more...

Dec 2009

Expert review door : Yardena Arar (

Interead Cool-ER


From its aspirational brand name (the ER in Cool-ER stands for ebook reader) to its hip tinted metallic case, the Cool-ER clearly strives to distinguish itself from the black-and-gray competition, and to a large extent it succeeds. Skinny (0.43 inch...

The Cool-ER could use a little polish (and a better four way navigation wheel) to elevate its usability to the level of its chic appearance. But its user interface is serviceable, if not elegant, and its text display options are solid. At its price,...

Nov 2009

Expert review door : Simon Williams (

Interead Cool-er


The basics are there, but there are a lot of rough edges to it, compared to the others like the Sony Reader.

The Cool-er has all the hallmarks of a product in Version 1. The interface needs to be a lot more intuitive and the reader needs to handle supported document formats more accurately. With recent news of Asus intending to release an eReader for under...

Okt 2009

Expert review door (

In Pictures: Cool-er e-book reader


Google partnership promises massive online library

Sep 2009

Vergelijk de prijzen voor Interead COOL-ER eBook reader

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