Sigma FP

alaTest heeft 13 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sigma FP. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere Digitale Compact Cameras. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over het contrast. De vormgeving is ook indrukwekkend.

afmetingen, draagbaarheid, prestaties, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, vormgeving

betrouwbaarheid, belichting, afwerking, zoeker, contrast

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Digitale Compact Cameras krijgt de Sigma FP een alaScore™ van 90/100 = Uitstekend.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 13 reviews)

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13 reviews getoond

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Toont 1 - 10 van 13 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Jim Fisher (

Sigma fp Review


Compact full-frame body ; L-mount mirrorless system ; Excellent 24MP image sensor ; Superlative video toolkit ; Dust and splash protection ; Extensible design and accessory system ; USB-C charging

Contrast focus slower than rivals ; Omits mechanical shutter ; Minimum 1/30-second exposure with flash ; No built-in viewfinder or add-on EVF option ; Image sensor isn't stabilized ; Lacks flat video color profile at press time ; Wi-Fi transfer not...

The Sigma fp is the smallest and lightest full-frame mirrorless camera you can buy, but makes functional sacrifices for its form factor.

Apr 2020

Expert review door : Mark Goldstein (

Sigma fp Review


The Sigma fp is a brand new full-frame mirrorless camera that's been designed to appeal to both film-makers and stills photographers. Can this tiny camera really satisfy the specific needs of both types of user? Find out out now by reading our in-depth...

Dec 2019

Expert review door (

Sigma fp Review


Sigma has just announced the world's smallest and lightest full-frame mirrorless camera, the Sigma fp. Like other recent Sigma cameras, the fp employs a distinct design.

Expert review door : Nicole LaJeunesse (

Sigma fp review: An odd but capable cinema camera with potential - Videomaker


The Sigma fp is a hard camera to pin down. On the one hand, it sports a full-frame sensor and delivers high-quality stills and video. On the other hand, The Sigma fp is a hard camera to pin down. On the one hand, it sports a full-frame sensor and...

Jul 2020

Expert review door : Chris George Rod Lawton Alistair Campbell (

Sigma fp review


The Sigma fp full-frame mirrorless camera is super small, but what's it like for video and can it work as a stills camera too?

Size and weight ; Industrial, functional design ; Best at video but good at stills

Just one SD card slot ; Fixed LCD, no EVF ; Unreliable continuous AF

It's easy to fall in love with the miniature size of the Sigma fp and its utilitarian, industrial design. Sigma has always dared to be different with its cameras, and given that there are now so many different full-frame mirrorless systems, this is...

Jun 2020

Expert review door : Nandagopal Rajan (

Sigma fp review: The full frame pocket camera for cinema quality


The Sigma fp is a good buy for those who want to create high-quality short films and maybe even longer projects.

Jun 2020

Expert review door (

Sigma fp Review


Sigma fp Review - Sigma's new fp full-frame mirrorless camera is the World's smallest full-frame camera, offering a hybrid mix of stills and movie, with a somewhat modular approach simply add what you need, and leave behind what you don't.

Sigma don't tend to stick to the rules when it comes to releasing cameras, and the Sigma fp is no different here. In that, it's actually a whole new full-frame mirrorless camera that doesn't look anything like your traditional camera. It's designed to...

Jan 2020

Expert review door (

Sigma fp Sample Photos


Full-size sample photos from the 24mp Sigma fp, the full-frame mirrorless camera, taken with a range of L-Mount Sigma lenses, including the new 35mm f/1.2.

Okt 2019

Expert review door : STIFTUNG WARENTEST (Stiftung Warentest)

Sigma fp + DG DN 45 mm


Mitt­lerer Onlinepreis 2400,00 Euro Basis­daten Online-Veröffent­lichung 31.01.2020 Zoom­faktor laut Anbieter 1,0 Bauart Spiegellos Bild­sensorklasse1 Voll­format Bajonett­anschluss Leica L

Jan 2020

Expert review door : Stiftung Warentest (Stiftung Warentest)

Kamera Sigma fp - Vollformat-Winzling mit Schwächen - Stiftung Warentest


Als kleinste und leichteste spiegellose Vollformatkamera der Welt bewirbt Sigma seine Systemkamera fp. Im Schnelltest gibt sie ein eher zwiespältiges Bild...

Jan 2020

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