Shuttle Shuttle Barebone XS36V4

Shuttle Shuttle Barebone XS36V4
alaScore 87

13 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 13 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Shuttle Shuttle Barebone XS36V4. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Shuttle Shuttle Barebone XS36V4 een alaScore™ van 87/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 13 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Shuttle Support leaves a lot to be desired... UPDATE I did manage to get a hold of Erik at Shuttle for a new BIOS.


UPDATE I did get this machine running on a newer BIOS with Slackware 14.1 with UEFI. The BIOS options are still a little thin. It is working, but my kernel version doesn't have a working driver for WiFi. However, that is my distro's issue and not the...

I can't tell. It won't boot to any sort of install setup I try. UPDATE It's a good running machine, very low power usage, and powerful for what it is.

This product will not boot. No matter what I try, it simply goes to a window that says: EFI Shell version 2.31 [5.9] Device mapping table About 2 months of trying different combinations on the BIOS, no luck. It will not boot to any style of device I...

Mei 2016

Consumenten review (

Shuttle Support leaves a lot to be desired...


I can't tell. It won't boot to any sort of install setup I try.

This product will not boot. No matter what I try, it simply goes to a window that says: EFI Shell version 2.31 [5.9] Device mapping table About 2 months of trying different combinations on the BIOS, no luck. It will not boot to any style of device I...

Feb 2016

Consumenten review (

Note For Nathan


Nathan may need to go online to Realtek and update his WiFi adapter. The latest update will enable 802.11n. You will know you have it when the advanced tab in the settings wireless mode shows 802,11b/g/n. You will immediately improve the mbps quite a...

Nathan complained about the wireless numbers.

Feb 2015

Consumenten review (

Shuttle XS36V4


Shuttle should make this size with a 35 watt i3 processor. There is room in the enclosure.

I really like the size and look. I have 8GB ddr3-l memory and a Crucial 256GB SSD. It boots very quickly. I was concerned about the speed of the J1900 at first, but it is doing just fine running Explorer Pivot and MS Office 2013. Get the PV02 monitor...

Wifi throughput speeds are low. I may upgrade the adapter.

Jan 2015

Consumenten review (

Shuttle XS36V4


Shuttle should make this size with a 35 watt i3 processor. There is room in the enclosure.

I really like the size and look. I have 8GB ddr3-l memory and a Crucial 256GB SSD. It boots very quickly. I was concerned about the speed of the J1900 at first, but it is doing just fine running Explorer Pivot and MS Office 2013. Get the PV02 monitor...

Wifi throughput speeds are low. I may upgrade the adapter

Jan 2015

Consumenten review (

Review Update


Just wanted to add more positive information about this computer. I am running Half Life 2 PC game on this little computer and it renders it in native 1080P beautifully and flawlessly. Didn't realize I was buying a "gaming" machine :)

Still happy 3 months into ownership

I wish it were a little heavier. I wound up stabilizing mine by strapping the base to a wood block using a cable tie. Now there is no rocking around when I touch it

Jan 2015

Consumenten review (

Review Update


Just wanted to add more positive information about this computer. I am running Half Life 2 PC game on this little computer and it renders it in native 1080P beautifully and flawlessly. Didn't realize I was buying a "gaming" machine :)

Still happy 3 months into ownership.

I wish it were a little heavier. I wound up stabilizing mine by strapping the base to a wood block using a cable tie. Now there is no rocking around when I touch it.

Jan 2015

Consumenten review (

Great for small desktop


Bought this because I hate fan noise and wanted something to replace a really quick Dell that made too much noise for me. This low voltage unit has no fan at all. I installed 8gig of the recommended Kingston memory ( Kingston PC12800 KVR16LS11/8...

Small, not too expensive, silent (no fan), plenty of connections. Highly recommend for a personal computer

none so far

Nov 2014

Consumenten review (

Great for small desktop


Bought this because I hate fan noise and wanted something to replace a really quick Dell that made too much noise for me. This low voltage unit has no fan at all. I installed 8gig of the recommended Kingston memory ( Kingston PC12800 KVR16LS11/8...

Small, not too expensive, silent (no fan), plenty of connections. Highly recommend for a personal computer.

none so far

Nov 2014

Consumenten review (

Quiet with lots of connectivity


Totally the wrong machine if you want to play games or render huge graphical files, but is a great "pocket server". I purchased this to run as a utility server for a small network. It runs Windows Server 2012r2 and drives an LCD sign, executes...

Silent ; Lots of connectivity options (Has Serial Ports!) ; Decent CPU power for the price - It isn't an iX series processor, it's a Celeron, but for the $$$ it is good

Only supports 8 Gigs of RAM ; Has to be oriented correctly for the passive cooling to work. If you lay it on it's side it overheats

Okt 2014

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