Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73

alaTest heeft 192 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73 een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review (amazon.co.uk)

Amazon.co.uk review summary for Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73


alaTest has collected and analyzed 4 user reviews of Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73 from Amazon.co.uk. The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other Desktops on Amazon.co.uk. Many are less positive about the usability.


100% of the reviews on Amazon.co.uk give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (amazon.it)

Risultato recensioni Amazon.it per Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 3 recensioni utente su Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73 da Amazon.it. La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.3/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.3/5 per altri Computer desktop su Amazon.it.

100% di recensioni su Amazon.it attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

This summary is based on the products: Lenovo ThinkCentre EDGE 73 PC, Intel Pentium Dual-Core, 3 GHz, 64 Bit, 4 GB RAMLenovo ThinkCentre EDGE 73 PC, Intel Pentium Dual-Core, 3 GHz, 64 Bit, 4 GB RAM

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


It's good value considering the hardware. It runs Windows 7 SP1. Very easy to set up the way Lenovo wants.Connects to the Internet straight away (but it needs a dongle for wifi). Microsoft's Windows 10 app (offering upgrade) appeared straight away.The...

Unwanted, unnecessary software , though I've seen much worse.Too little RAM for the processor, what were they thinking? The system is slowed down by Lenovo's apps that are nigh impossible to remove, therefore this 5i processor is no faster than my...

Jun 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Good looking traditional desktop PC with an i5 processor running Windows 7 Pro. Does the job of replacing a 10-year old Dell which couldn't be upgraded any further. Good value for money.

Would have preferred a bit more RAM (only 4GB), but with an empty slot this can easily be doubled for about £25. Installed Norton 30-day trial gives immediate protection but Norton is quite intrusive and I won't be keeping it.

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


It's good value considering the hardware. It runs Windows 7 SP1. Very easy to set up the way Lenovo wants.Connects to the Internet straight away (but it needs a dongle for wifi). Microsoft's Windows 10 app (offering upgrade) appeared straight away.The...

Unwanted, unnecessary software , though I've seen much worse.Too little RAM for the processor, what were they thinking? The system is slowed down by Lenovo's apps that are nigh impossible to remove, therefore this 5i processor is no faster than my...

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Very straightforward to set up. Use for business and after replacing an older PC soon had this new speedier one up and running.

Some marketing software, but found it simple to untick the data boxes. Prefer if I didn't have too!

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Very straightforward to set up. Use for business and after replacing an older PC soon had this new speedier one up and running

Some marketing software, but found it simple to untick the data boxes. Prefer if I didn't have too

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Available with Windows 7, thank goodness!

Consider the additional height of the handle on the top - mine would not fit under the shelf used by previous PC! CD a bit noisy when in use.

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Good looking traditional desktop PC with an i5 processor running Windows 7 Pro. Does the job of replacing a 10-year old Dell which couldn't be upgraded any further. Good value for money

Would have preferred a bit more RAM (only 4GB), but with an empty slot this can easily be doubled for about £25. Installed Norton 30-day trial gives immediate protection but Norton is quite intrusive and I won't be keeping it

Mei 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


I've given it full marks although I didn't set it up the professional that did seemed to do it quickly and appeared to have no trouble. I've only had it installed recently but haven't come across any problems.

Haven't found any yet.

Apr 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK



Apr 2015

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

Lenovo ThinkCentre Edge E73 10DR001EUK


Easy to understand basic movements ( I am an AMATEUR)

Internet & Broadband failed.( Had to ask someone to come and fix it. This too several attempts. ) Works now; hope permanently.

Apr 2015

Vergelijk de prijzen voor Lenovo Thinkcentre EDGE E73

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