Lenovo T71-13014

Lenovo T71-13014
alaScore 85

20 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 20 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Lenovo T71-13014. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Reviewers waarderen de vormgeving zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Lenovo T71-13014 een alaScore™ van 85/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 20 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Pop-up bug


From day-1 I have a bug that pops up and I cannot do anything, but have to log off and start again. I contacted Lenovo, they worked on it and removed it temporarily which is the same as not removing it. I am pretty frustrated--a bit upset, to say the...

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Very satsified


Great value and performance. Gives a better Windows experience index than a 2-year old custom-built PC that cost twice as much.

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Great Buy


Very prompt service and delivery.Unit was as advertised, a fine desktop machine.I'm pleased with Tiger Direct!

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Awesome deal!!


A ton of hard drive space and a super-fast PC. Well worth every penny. It makes a brief sound at startup; otherwise this PC is almost completely silent when running. It looks sleek and stylish. Everything is plug and play. Even the mouse and keyboard...

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Great system for the price.


Once the bloat ware was removed, it ran much better. Bought it for someone not ready to upgrade to windows 8.

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Great Desktop, good price


This is a feature-packed PC that lacks very little. Great performance and speed with AMD A8 CPU, lots of memory, huge HDD. Exceeds my expectations in all categories, I use it for engineering work including AutoCad and it keeps up just fine! I'm not a...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Great bang for the buck!


I was a heavy gamer years ago and now mostly just play lighter games like League of Legends and Steam games. After a few days of playing around with the computer, I am very impressed. The integrated graphics card is not high end, but runs the few games...

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Best Bang for the Buck


I replaced my old Ubuntu computer with this and couldn't be happier. I'm used to windows 7 and really love the speed and features of this box.

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

Good value for the money


Computer good for home office functions...lots of memory. So far so good not issue other than those typical with Windows programs.

Jan 2013

Consumenten review (tigerdirect.com)

No problems


Computer is as advertised and was shipped promptly. Windows 7 does not play well with some of my 'old' programs, and I'm still in the learning curve with it. Computer works fine.

Dec 2012

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