iBuyPower Y60

iBuyPower Y60
alaScore 95

3 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 3 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor iBuyPower Y60. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de iBuyPower Y60 een alaScore™ van 95/100 = Uitstekend.

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Expert review door : Charles Jefferies (tomshardware.com)

iBuyPower Y60 Gaming Desktop Review: Premium Mainstream Performance


iBuyPower's Y60 Gaming Desktop offers an ultra-modern case and good expansion, though it doesn't start as cheap as some competitors.

Classy case ; Front USB-C port ; 240 mm liquid cooling ; Includes a decent keyboard and mouse

Large for a mid-tower ; Wi-Fi 6, not Wi-Fi 6E

iBuyPower’s Y60 Gaming Desktop is an all-around solid mainstream tower, with a premium stylish case, good expansion, and features like a front USB-C port and heavy-duty CPU liquid cooling that is hard to find on less expensive towers.

Apr 2024

Expert review door : Charles Jefferies (tomshardware.co.uk)

iBuyPower Y60 Gaming Desktop Review: Premium Mainstream Performance


iBuyPower's Y60 Gaming Desktop offers an ultra-modern case and good expansion, though it doesn't start as cheap as some competitors.

Classy case ; Front USB-C port ; 240 mm liquid cooling ; Includes a decent keyboard and mouse

Large for a mid-tower ; Wi-Fi 6, not Wi-Fi 6E

iBuyPower’s Y60 Gaming Desktop is an all-around solid mainstream tower, with a premium stylish case, good expansion, and features like a front USB-C port and heavy-duty CPU liquid cooling that is hard to find on less expensive towers.

Apr 2024

Expert review door : Alex Wawro (tomsguide.com)

iBuyPower Y60 review


The iBuyPower Y60 is an eye-catching gaming PC that plays games well while showcasing what's inside to full effect.

offers similar power potential in a more portable case. However, you sacrifice a lot of the easy access and upgradability of the Y60. Plus, you wouldn't have the same window into what's going on inside your PC during marathon gaming sessions.

Jun 2022

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