Dell Inspiron 5675

Dell Inspiron 5675
alaScore 90

9 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 9 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Dell Inspiron 5675. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Gebruikers waarderen de betrouwbaarheid zeer.

prijs, vormgeving, betrouwbaarheid

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Dell Inspiron 5675 een alaScore™ van 90/100 = Uitstekend.

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Toont 1 - 9 van 9 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Jayce Wagner (

Dell Inspiron 5675 gaming desktop review


Low price ; Ryzen brings solid multi-core performance ; Attractive exterior ; Easily handles games at 1080p

Awkward internal design ; Not very futureproof

The Dell Inspiron 5675 is a solid performer with a few drawbacks, but its low price and solid gaming performance make it a good choice, especially if you’re looking to step into the world of PC gaming for the first time.

Expert review door : Puja Chatterjee (

Dell Inspiron 5675 Gaming Desktop Review - Price & Specs


Dell Inspiron 5675 Gaming Desktop Full Review. Don't buy without knowing best PC price, performance, specs details, pros, cons and verdict by expert.

Storage ; Powerful ; Graphics is good ; Great design

Bit expensive ; Gets hot with time ; Hardware issues ; Display port issues ; Availability issue

Jun 2020

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Recon Blue


Bought it as a Christmas present just waiting for the day

Nov 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Blue


Looks great, quick to boot, handles most tasks very well and plays games to a decent fidelity.

Ryzen is still a developing architecture, if you are not comfortable updating the BIOS regularly then you won't get the most out of this type of processor.

Nov 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Recon Blue


Great combination of power and graphics. Plenty of RAM and space for more. Gorgeous blue LED and sleek design which looks better in real life. Fans create very little noise and water cooling system is very effective.

Nothing bad about the machine, the worst part of the sale is the price but you quickly get over it once you start using the machine.

Nov 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Recon Blue


Very fast ! Very quiet !

Didn't buy it earlier!!!

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Blue


Fast and furious

Still expensive

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Blue


Great spec for the price compared to other machines


Okt 2017

Consumenten review (

DELL Inspiron 5675 Gaming PC - Recon Blue


Love the ventilation. Plays games superbly.

CD drive has a flaw that a CD can get jammed just above the drawer if you are not careful when closing it. I've lost Guardians of the Galaxy now. Lost to the computer.

Sep 2017

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