Dell Alienware Aurora R11

Dell Alienware Aurora R11
alaScore 93

23 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 23 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Dell Alienware Aurora R11. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

vormgeving, gebruiksvriendelijkheid

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Dell Alienware Aurora R11 een alaScore™ van 93/100 = Uitstekend.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 23 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Matthew Buzzi (

Alienware Aurora R11 Review


Can be configured affordably or with cutting-edge components ; Our unit's Intel Core i9 CPU and Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 are capable of over 100fps at 4K ; Bold, modern case design

Our high-flying configuration is very expensive ; Plastic case with covered, restricted interior a tough sell compared to cheaper alternatives

The Alienware Aurora R11 is a highly configurable gaming desktop with a unique design, and our super-powerful configuration is capable of top-charting numbers. Big spenders may prefer a chassis that showcases their components, however.

Okt 2020

Expert review door : Marshall Honorof (

Alienware Aurora R11 review: A GeForce RTX 30-series beast


The Alienware Aurora R11 packs powerful hardware in a distinctive chassis, although it's loud, heavy and expensive.

Powerful hardware ; Distinctive design ; Plentiful customization options ; Good for both gaming and productivity

Runs hot and loud ; Software needs work

The system’s physical design has some charms and some drawbacks, and the performance depends very much on how much you’re willing to spend on parts. But generally speaking, Alienware’s reputation for premium PC products is well-earned. The Aurora R11...

Feb 2021

Expert review door : Taylor Swift (

Dell Alienware Aurora R11 Gaming Desktop Review & Price


Dell Alienware Aurora R11 gaming desktop full review. Check out best price, specs details, pros, cons and verdict by expert.

Excellent ; Strong CPU performance ; Modern and bold case design ; Affordable ; upgrade

Runs hot ; Laud at times ; Just not avail on time ; Hardware issues ; Not easy to repair at times

Nov 2020

Expert review door : Andrew E. Freedman (

Alienware Aurora R11 Review: The RTX 3090 Engine


It's powerful, but you'll hear it coming.

Modern, fairly compact design ; Strong gaming performance with 10th Gen Core i9 and RTX 3090 ; Little bloatware

Loud and needs better cooling ; Very expensive

The Alienware Aurora R11 is an absolute powerhouse when outfitted with a 10th Gen Core i9 and RTX 3090, but that performance makes the system loud, and it could use more fans.

Okt 2020

Expert review door : Mike Wobker (

Alienware Aurora R11


Der beste Gaming-PC ist der Acer Predator Orion 3000. Als einer der ersten Gaming-Komplett-PCs ist er mit einer aktuellen Grafikkarte von Nvidia lieferbar. Damit bietet er nicht nur genug Leistung für kommende Spiele im Jahr 2021, sondern wird auch mit...

Sehr gutes Belüftungs­systemBesonderes DesignSehr gute Leistung

Braucht viel PlatzHohes Gewicht

Ein ansprechendes Design, viel Leistung und ein akzeptabler Preis: Das alles bietet der Aurora R11 von Alienware.

Jan 2022

Consumenten review (

ALIENWARE Aurora R11 Gaming PC - Intel® Core™ i5, GTX 1660 Ti, 256 GB SSD


My son loves it and is very happy good that he can do his school work and play on it

He seems happy with it all

Mar 2021

Consumenten review (

ALIENWARE Aurora R11 Gaming PC - Intel® Core™ i5, GTX 1660 Ti, 256 GB SSD


Easy set up and looks great. PC was for my son who absolutely loves it

Didn’t come with a monitor 藍

Mar 2021

Consumenten review (

ALIENWARE Aurora R11 Gaming PC - Intel® Core™ i7, GTX 1660 Ti, 1 TB HDD & 512 GB SSD


I love the rainbow lights on the front and side of the tower

There is no cd player draw

Mar 2021

Consumenten review (

ALIENWARE Aurora R11 Gaming PC - Intel® Core™ i7, GTX 1660 Ti, 1 TB HDD & 512 GB SSD


Good gaming pc, with easy upgrades

Fans are not very quiet

Feb 2021

Consumenten review (

ALIENWARE Aurora R11 Gaming PC - Intel® Core™ i5, GTX 1660 Ti, 256 GB SSD


Absolutely stunning PC. Can do so much on it. Makes gaming so easy

It’s very overpriced for what it is in my opinion. It also only comes with 256 GB of storage which means I need to go buy more

Feb 2021

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