Syba Sd-aud20040 7.1 Channel Usb 2.0 Sound Box

Syba Sd-aud20040 7.1 Channel Usb 2.0 Sound Box
alaAverage 3.4

8 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 8 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Syba Sd-aud20040 7.1 Channel Usb 2.0 Sound Box. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Computer Boxen.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 68/100.

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Toont 1 - 8 van 8 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Quit working after a couple weeks


Bought this too long ago to return it or get a replacement most likely. Very frustrating as our expensive 55inch Plasma has cruddy sound (I now disrespect Samsung for that).

Sound output correctly for a while. Loud, too

Now only the front audio output works. Tested on 2 widely different PC systems. The rear and side worked for a while, but just don't anymore

Nov 2011

Consumenten review (

Great for the price


Out of the box it was easy to install and get working in 2 channel mode via optical. Though to get 5.1 channel to work I had to download ac3filter. I also got ffdshow as well. They both got the functionality of the 5.1 to work. I'm using Windows XP...

It does deliver multi-channel sound through the spdif with some tweaking. Don't get warm and delivers a quality sound

Have to tweak it with other programs to get it to perform multi-channel correctly

Jan 2011

Consumenten review (

s/pdif does not do dolby digital surround


It WILL do surround with the analog outputs, but my receiver has no inputs for this sort of thing, so this box is useless to me.

Installed easily. Did 2 channel s/pdif out of the box on windows 7... didn't even need to install the included disk, although that didn't get me the surround I wanted either... see below

Does NOT do dolby digitial via optical s/pdif!!! Even though the description says it does ; Dolby Digital audio streaming via s/pdif output ; I contacted the manufacturer and they verified the fact that it will not work for surround. So, although it'll...

Jan 2011

Consumenten review (

Can't figure out SPDIF input


I have a 5.1 speaker system plugged into this, and if I could somehow figure out how to have the device play from a SPDIF optical input, this thing would be gold. But at this point, I can only use the analog 3.5mm input jack which is not going to be...

It's small, inexpensive, and is driven off USB power. It will work without drivers on a PC, but the drivers/software give you various surround options ; You can plug in any audio device (mp3 player, etc) to the 3.5mm stereo input and have the sound...

I can't seem to get the optical SPDIF input to work. I have the Syba usb cable connected to my laptop, and plugged in an optical cable from my xbox to the spdif input to try and get the sound to come out of my 5.1 speakers. It doesn't work and the...

Nov 2010

Consumenten review (



If you don't have extra room in your PC and doesn't wanna use your PCI then this will work.

Cheap and it works great. Doesn't need drivers to install. Great for an HTPC build. A great alternative to an internal sound card


Nov 2010

Consumenten review (

The best USB sound card I can afford.


The best USB sound card I can afford ; Works great with Snow Leopard


Aug 2010

Consumenten review (

Not MAC compatible



Does not work as advertised. Says it is Mac compatible on website on on package but it is not...unless you call "compatible" meaning only the analog outs does not

Aug 2010

Consumenten review (

Works Great With Mac OSX


Hope this helps.

I recently purchased this product because the headset I bought used the three color 3.5mm jacks used for 5.1 surround sound. Also it had a mic jack. The iMac does not allow compatibility with the 2 of the 3 jacks and neither the mic. When I plugged it...


Jul 2010

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