Panasonic AG-AF100

Panasonic AG-AF100
alaScore 85

20 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 20 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Panasonic AG-AF100. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Camcorders. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, afmetingen, draagbaarheid, vormgeving

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Camcorders krijgt de Panasonic AG-AF100 een alaScore™ van 85/100 = Zeer goed.

Zie alle Panasonic Camcorders

Review analyse

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8 expert reviews

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Panasonic AG-AF100


alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 user reviews of Panasonic AG-AF100 from The average user rating for this product is 5.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Camcorders on Reviewers are impressed by the price and usability. There are some critical comments about the size.

usability, price


100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Expert review door : Leonard Goh (

Panasonic AG-AF100


The AG-AF100 is the first camcorder to support the Micro Four Thirds interchangeable lens system. It's due for release late in 2010; no word on when it'll be available in Australia.

Via CNET Asia

Apr 2010

Expert review door (

Panasonic AG-AF100First Impressions Review


The AG-AF100 is Panasonic's version of a compact, interchangeable lens camcorder with professional-grade controls and features. The camcorder uses the Micro Four Thirds sensor and lens mount system, which is the same system in place on Panasonic's line...

Apr 2012

Expert review door : Jeremy Stamas (

Panasonic AG-AF100


The AG-AF100 has plenty of limitations, but it's still a loaded camcorder for pros.

Apr 2012

Expert review door : Nino Del Padre (

REVIEW: Panasonic AG-AF100 Camcorder


Ever since the introduction of the modern day video camera, digital filmmakers and producers of every genre have been striving for that elusive "film look." The advent of affordable high-definition camcorders like the Panasonic HVX200, with its cinema...

Mar 2011

Expert review door : Videomaker (

Panasonic AG-AF100 Interchangeable Lens Camcorder Review


If you've been looking for a plethora of professional features at an aggressive price point then look closely at the Panasonic AG-AF100 - this beast is one beauty of a performer.

Large imaging area, Very shallow depth of field, Accepts wide variety of lenses, Variable frame rate recording, Three internal ND settings, Focus and Exposure assist functions

Does not include lens

Jan 2011

Expert review door (

Panasonic AG-AF100


Si con las cámaras de foto micro cuatro tercios hay esperanza, no podemos opinar lo mismo de las videocámara con este sistema. Por eso nos extraña que la Panasonic AG-AF100, primera aventura en esa jungla, vaya a tener éxito ni para las minorías. El...

Evidentemente sus aspiraciones son más profesionales que de consumo pero es seguro que si nos hicéramos con una de ellas, calidad de imagen, de sonido y posibilidades creativas no nos iban a faltar.

Expert review door : (

Panasonic AF100


La Panasonic AF105 è una videocamera professionale con sensore Micro Four Thirds capace di registrare filmati a 1080/60i e 1080/30p in AVCHD, in grado di utilizzare lenti intercambiabili

Dec 2012

Expert review door : (

Panasonic AG-AF100


La Panasonic AG-AF100 è una videocamera professionale in formato micro 4/3, capace di registrare filmati a 1080/24p su schede di memoria SDHC fino a 32 GB e SDXC fino a 2 TB

Feb 2011

Consumenten review (

Panasonic AG-AF100


The AF100 has much improved performance in relation to the rolling shutter and jello. Its being compared to RED and Sony EX in this regards.

Sep 2010

Consumenten review (

Still the most bang for the buck!


I've been a Digital Filmmaker for close to twenty years. I have had the good fortune to have worked with a lot of cameras. The 100 is my all time favorite. Closest video image to film I have seen in a camera at this price.

Dec 2015

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