GoXtreme Wi-Fi 4K Endurance Action Camera

alaTest heeft 12 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor GoXtreme Wi-Fi 4K Endurance Action Camera. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Camcorders. Reviewers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, batterij, beeldkwaliteit, betrouwbaarheid

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Camcorders krijgt de GoXtreme Wi-Fi 4K Endurance Action Camera een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 12 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 10 van 12 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Great value and plenty of accessories.


Good value for the money, came with plenty of accessories to let you get the right angle for your movie. Easy to use and good battery life.

Sep 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Really good and easy to use


Takes to long to charge

Sep 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Iteam was great.


Great iteam and ancillaries for price paid

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Great camera


Great pics and video's. Easy to use too. Great product

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Waste of money


Should have done my research,better and cheaper cameras out there Waste of money

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

This is a great camera for the price


Great little camera, good accessories, good picture and great quality at 2.7 k hd doing sports or mountain biking as I do, really pleased with it.

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Nice solid action camera


Nice solid action camera easy to use works all the time and the battery lasts long enough

Apr 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

GoXtreme Wi-Fi 4K Endurance Action Camera


Excellent quality play back

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Great little action camera


We bought this for our teenage son, and he loves it! Easy for him to set up and use. Comes with everything you need.

Jan 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Good quality product


Easy to use does exactly what it says

Jan 2017

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