alaScore 88

135 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 135 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor OPPO UDP203. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.9/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de OPPO UDP203 een alaScore™ van 88/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 135 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 10 van 135 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Top quality deck, surprised how good it is


The Oppo replaced a Panasonic UB700 which I was happy with. Purchased on the recognition of the perceivable difference between Dolby Vision title vs their HDR10 counterparts. If getting the best performance matters to you, especially if you have an...

Nov 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Fantastic player - it's as good as everyone says..


Given that this player is practically sold out this may be a slightly pointless review. I did a lot of research on various 4k blu rays currently available and kept coming back to this one. I didn't want to pay £850 for the latest Pano, and many other...

Okt 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Looks great, crisp sounds


This oppo is amazing, it not only looks sleek and stylish the features are fantastic and the quality is amazing..

Okt 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

What a 4k wonder.


Superlative picture and sound, far exceeds my last player a Denon 3313, and that's saying a lot. Buy one now, don't even think about it.

Okt 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Excellent Picture and Sound.


I bought this as an upgrade from the Xbox One. Picture quality is better but only marginally so. However ease of use and sound quality are in a different league. Love it.

Okt 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Superb picture and sound


I originally had a Panasonic UB900 which for whatever reason decided to stop playing 4K Blu Ray discs. If i had got this as an upgrade i would have been really happy as a replacement i have to say it is light years ahead of the Panasonic. It is easier...

Sep 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Amazing Picture, Simple and Functional Interface


Amazing picture quality from this kit. Certainly lives up to the hype. The simple and intuitive interface is a joy to use and the remote is beautifully laid out. The light up keys on the remote is also a godsend when trying to make selections in a...

Sep 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Excellent, buy one before they have all gone!


It might be pricey compared to some other UHD Blue-ray players, but it's excellent picture, sound and build quality make it worth every penny!

Sep 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Excellent audio and crisp definition -visuals


Excellent playback on both the audio (cds) and visual and sountrack on blu ray disks (not tried standard dvds but don't anticipate being disappointed. All the benefits of a good CD player plus the added bonus of being able to play dvds and music dads...

Sep 2018

Consumenten review (richersounds.com)

Absolutely fab


Pleased I got this prior to product finishing production

Aug 2018

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