Technics SL1210MK7 (Black)

Technics SL1210MK7 (Black)
alaScore 89

15 reviews

Feb 2025

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alaTest heeft 15 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Technics SL1210MK7 (Black). De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere Audio Systems.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Audio Systems krijgt de Technics SL1210MK7 (Black) een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 15 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Antonio Mira (

Technics SL-1210MK7 y SL-1500C, tocadiscos para profesionales


Technics ha presentado en el CES dos nuevos tocadiscos con la última tecnología y diseño clásico. Son el Technics SL-1210MK7 y el Technics SL-1500C.

Jan 2019

Consumenten review (

Amazing Sound and build quality


Just excellent sound quality and solid build quality. I can't tell any difference from the old MK2. Improvements on pitch with option of +/- 16. Great led pop up light. Big improvements on the connections. You can chose your own RCA cables. Sound is...

Jun 2021

Consumenten review (

Excellent quality.


Great product and excellent service and delivery from Richer sounds

Feb 2021

Consumenten review (

10/10 decks great quality and crisp sound.


Can't fault these great decks best money can buy i would say

Jan 2021

Consumenten review (

Love my new Technics Decks!


They are a very nice turntable. There not built to same quality as the original. The sound makes up for it though. I find leaving the pitch faders on X2 (16%) mode best as it confuses you a little switching between modes. Had them under a month though...

Dec 2020

Consumenten review (

Richer sounds Newcastle!


Recently bought a pair of technics 1210 mk7 from the Newcastle store, Steve was excellent, very helpful and had them delivered to me the next day! Thanks richer sounds

Jul 2020

Consumenten review (

Nice turntable


In my honest opinion its not worth the money its been priced at so many other better deals on the market, But im not putting my turntables down in any way as they do what it says and sound great, I just feel they are overpriced.

Jun 2020

Consumenten review (

Great turntable


Wanted one from being 15, worth the wait.... I'm 40 now

Mei 2020

Consumenten review (

Technics 1210 - still the best


The new Technics 1210 Mk7 is still the best desk. The upgrade has a few new aesthetic touches but it still provides the same great sound and design.

Mei 2020

Consumenten review (

Great decks and sound


I have been after a couple of technic decks ,amp and mixer for a while but had to finish my man cave first now it's done I can spend hours playing my northern soul records .

Jan 2020

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