Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631

Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631
alaScore 89

34 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 34 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.5/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere Audio Systems.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Audio Systems krijgt de Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631 een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 34 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

easy iron .


Don't like ironing but this iron works well and makes job easy as can be

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (

Great iron


I read the previous reviews and this one seemed to rate highly. Unfortunately it is quite heavy but does get the job done. The compartment where the water goes is coloured blue so you can't really see how much water is left. However you soon find out...

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (

Just the Job


Great for the price, does what it's supposed to!

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (

Lovely iron, just a little too heavy


Work s well but quite heavy. Good steam & cord is a great length. Water tank hard not to overfill as you can't see.

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (

Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631


Easy to use, not heavy, warms up pretty fast, only thing is that the spray is a bit funny and you can't really see the water level as it's dark blue, but it comes with the little plastic jug which is very helpful. I recommend this product!

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

Excellent Iron. Easy and pleasant to use


This iron is the best I have ever had. Ironing is effortless, and it's not a chore that i look forward to, but since using this iron it's a breeze and i'm finsihed in no time. Super.

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

Good value, but mediocre / lacklustre


Attractive enough, but not a stunner! Seems to take a while to heat up. Not great steam, but satisfactory. Great auto power off feature, for when you get distracted and forget it is on. Worst bit is the water container, which is made from dark blue...

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

Russell Hobbs Power Steam Pro Clothes Iron 20631


Bought this iron and am so pleased with it - very easy to use . The jet of steam surprised me as my old iron only gave a little shot of steam.Very smooth finish, lightweight and the narrow front gets into all the corners. Great buy.

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

Very good product


I am very happy with my product.

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

great iorn


really good iron very happy with it plenty of steam when needed

Mei 2017

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