PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut
alaScore 89

46 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 46 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.6/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere Audio Systems.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Audio Systems krijgt de PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 46 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


General appearance and ease of use

Control buttons rather small for person (like me) with poor eyesight!

Dec 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Would like a cable aerial rather than the metal telescopic as this gives more flexibility to receive the best signal as I have this on an open-backed shelving unit. Have found a work-around but cable would have been easier.

Dec 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Very stylish unit and very easy to use CD player.

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Presents well in room, easy to use controls, good sound quality. Just what the doctor ordered! What more can I say?


Okt 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Neat design, fits into a space previously occupied by a CD player. The overall appearance shows quality design which will not date with age. There are no treble or base controls which avoids fiddling about with the sound output. Very simple to set up...


Okt 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


A very attractive design

The sound isn’t very good

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


everthing very good

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


looks good and sounds great easy to use for anyone who just wants to listen to cds and the radio


Sep 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Great design, good quality build. Lovely sound. Reasonably easy to set up and use.

Only having 4 buttons for pre-set channels is a bit odd but you soon get used to it.

Sep 2017

Consumenten review (currys.co.uk)

PURE Evoke C-D6 DAB+/FM Bluetooth Clock Radio - Walnut


Excellent sound and Bluetooth means I can play all my favourite music

Sep 2017

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