alaScore 89

10 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 10 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor LG CJ45. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.7/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere Audio Systems. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer.

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We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Audio Systems krijgt de LG CJ45 een alaScore™ van 89/100 = Zeer goed.

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Toont 1 - 10 van 10 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (ao.com)

Excellent sound


"Brilliant sound and very easy to set up and use , the whole experience from choosing to buying and delivery was excellent. "

Apr 2019

Consumenten review (ao.com)

Very powerful


"Nice looking and very powerful. I'm very happy with the choice i made. "

Dec 2018

Consumenten review (ao.com)

Good but...


"The sound on this music system is great: it can go very loud indeed. However the 3 speakers are huge and take up too much space, so it's not really a mini hifi system. Haven't tried the other features yet. "

Dec 2018

Consumenten review (ao.com)



"Good speaker love it good good good loud chill man and "

Nov 2018

Consumenten review (ao.com)

excellent looks and great sound.


"This is an excellent Hi-Fi System with great looks and excellent sound system. Good value for the price paid."

Ease to use; Good build quality; Value for money; Looks good

Okt 2018

Consumenten review (ao.com)

Clear, crisp sound in an awesome display


"What I love most about this Hi Fi System is how clear the sound is. There is no distortion, no matter how loud you play it. The Hi Fi is in constant use and being able to connect via Bluetooth has meant my phone is no longer having to remain...

Ease to use; Good build quality; Looks good

Aug 2018

Consumenten review (ao.com)

Powerful Hi-Fi system to get the party going


"I've got this and didn't know I would have got so many compliments about it. All my friends want to know where I've got it from. It's amazing for a party and the volume goes high with no distortion of the sound. I had a BBQ last week and I was...

Great Sound; Good build quality; Value for money; Looks good

Jul 2018

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

looks great, sounds amazing. 100% recommended


do buy this if you need an amazing sterio.

Nov 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

LG hi fi


Very easy set up and connected to my LG TV wirelessly Easy to use via app on my phone or by remote Nice looks Great sound, very loud Very happy with the product

Okt 2017

Consumenten review (argos.co.uk)

Great Features


I bought this a week ago and love it! Easy to use Bluetooth and Cd and other numerous features. Big system sound at a great price and does not take up much space,remote does it all.

Easy To Use

Mei 2017

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