KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T

KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T
alaScore 77

34 reviews

Mar 2025

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alaTest heeft 34 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Gebruikers waarderen de vormgeving zeer.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, prijs, vormgeving

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T een alaScore™ van 77/100 = Goed.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T


alaTest has collected and analyzed 16 user reviews of KEYSPAN Remote for iTunes Model URM-15T from The average user rating for this product is 3.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other products in the same category on People are impressed by the price. The usability also gets good feedback.

usability, price

75% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Mar 2025

Consumenten review (

Works on Windows 8


Good remote for basic use in Windows 8. Fully functional in Windows 7. Does what I need it too. I'll need to look for program driver. 5 eggs for great value!

Works in Windows 8. Has basic functions. Volume, Mute, Arrow Keys, Play, Pause, Record, & Information in Cyber Link 10, or any Coral Win DVD. No Eject button. Supports Blue Ray basic functions. Can't get hot keys to work yet. Wonder if there is a...

No Hot Keys in Windows 8 yet on remote. Would like ITunes to start when I press music key

Apr 2013

Consumenten review (



Anyone who is having problems with this remote is either incompetent, or got veryyy very unlucky

Installed automatically on Vista. Works great for every media playback program, even Silverlight-Netflix. Works especially well with iTunes


Feb 2011

Consumenten review (

Works Well!


Looks nice, it's light weight, works from the other room. I ordered it 2-10-2011 and it showed up after lunch on 2-11-2011. Can't beat that with a stick.

Works very well and doesn't require line of sight. I can put the USB dongle on the back of my PC instead of making the front look ugly like with IR remotes

Not really a con as this is WINDOWS fault, but without an IR blaster, you can't setup your tv tuner properly to use the better inputs on the TV card. Again, not the remotes fault, maybe this will help someone not buy this for that reason

Feb 2011

Consumenten review (

Unimpressive at best


Simple layout--a good balance between spartan presenter remote and NASA launch center

Very poor range and inconsistent response. Also had same experience another reviewer had: first unit died for no apparent reason within a month

Jun 2010

Consumenten review (

no Win 7 compatibility


I would like to find a similar product that will work with windows 7, but haven't found one.

if using for windows xp, see other posts. not a bad product

Doesn't work with Windows 7. It would be a lot cooler if it did

Jun 2010

Consumenten review (

Great, for a while


Be VERY cautious when deciding to purchase this remote and don't expect it to live forever. I bought it specifically because it was RF and did not require a direct line of sight to the receiver for operation. Not quite an acceptable trade off for only...

Easy to install. Plug and play on Windows 7 64 bit and operates flawlessly in Windows Media Center

I've owned this remote for about 6 months. a few weeks ago It just quit working. I replaced batteries and followed the pairing instructions with no success. I'm now having to look for a new remote. Also the printing on the buttons tends to wear off...

Mei 2010

Consumenten review (

Buy this one


I've had several media center remotes, and this is by far the best, most reliable unit I've had. The RF makes the difference.

Excellent range, easy setup, works well, does windows 7 with no problems

markings on the buttons wear off quickly, though this is true of all this style of remote

Apr 2010

Consumenten review (

Very dissapointing


A big waste of money

play and pause, fast scan forward and back

not at all capable of navigating well inside Itunes to make a selection (or of XP or Vista either)

Apr 2009

Consumenten review (

Exceeds Expectations


I was skeptical about how well this would work. Previously we'd been using a wireless RF keyboard with a trackball to navigate around media center from the couch for movies/music/etc - which never felt as natural as the remote we use on our MCE 2005...

Works perfectly with Vista Media Center for my needs. No delay when navigating media center. Plug and Play install. Wireless RF (works from anywhere). No interference with my other RF devices or wireless network

None for me. I highly recommend this for a living room htpc setup for media center - though don't think it would be ideal for non-media center navigation

Jan 2009

Consumenten review (

Did the trick!


I don't know why they advertise this product as "remote for iTunes"... it works wonderfully with many pc applications. I should have bought this a long time ago.

Already has button presets included for many apps like Winamp. Different programs trigger different key maps for the buttons on the remote. Can easily be programmed to use VLC

One or two more buttons would be nice. Doesn't include presets for VLC media play, but they are easy to

Dec 2008

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